“Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0” provider not registered issue after October Windows Patching

  • 8 months ago

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The issue you're encountering, where the "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" provider is not registered after October Windows Patching, could be related to the Windows updates causing some changes to the system configuration or registry settings. This provider is used to connect to Excel and Access databases using OleDb connections.

Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve this issue:

  1. Check Windows Updates:

    Ensure that you've installed all the latest Windows updates and patches, as updates might include fixes for known issues.

  2. Check Registry Settings:

    Verify if the "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" provider is registered in the Windows Registry. Open the Registry Editor (regedit.exe) and navigate to the following key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\{Office Version}\Access Connectivity Engine\Engines\Excel

    Make sure the TypeGuessRows and ImportMixedTypes values are set to appropriate values (e.g., 0 and Text, respectively). Incorrect values here can sometimes cause issues.

  3. Check Application Bitness:

    Ensure that the application using the "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" provider has the correct bitness. If your application is 32-bit, you need to use the 32-bit version of the provider. If your application is 64-bit, you should use the 64-bit version. The bitness of your application and the bitness of the provider need to match.

  4. Run the Application as Administrator:

    Try running your application with elevated privileges (as an administrator) to see if it resolves the issue. Some permissions-related problems might cause providers to not work as expected.

  5. Consider Using ACE Provider:

    Instead of using the "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" provider, consider using the "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" provider, which is part of the Access Database Engine. This provider is recommended for newer versions of Office and can handle both .mdb (Access) and .xlsx (Excel) files.

  6. Check for Known Issues:

    Check if there are any known issues related to the specific version of Windows you're using and the October patches. Sometimes, Microsoft releases hotfixes or guidance for specific issues.

  7. Reinstall Office Components:

    If the provider is still not working, you might need to repair or reinstall the relevant Office components. This can sometimes resolve registry-related issues.

  8. Contact Microsoft Support:

    If you're unable to resolve the issue on your own, consider reaching out to Microsoft Support for assistance. They might have specific guidance or hotfixes to address the issue.

Remember to back up your system or registry before making any changes to ensure you can restore your system if something goes wrong during troubleshooting.